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Can I share a license with multiple users?
Yes, InspectionXpert is licensed on a concurrent use basis (like a network license). You can set up InspectionXpert on multiple computers. The number of users who can open the software simultaneously depends on the number of subscriptions you have.
How does the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) work? Which extraction modes do I have?
InspectionXpert uses Optical Character Recognition or OCR, to automatically "read" your dimensions, notes, and GD&T features. Here's how it works: Extracting the Part name, Part number, and revision To extract the Part name, part number, and ...
Setting your Balloon Options and Appearance
There are three ways that balloon settings or options can be modified: 1. through the InspectionXpert "Options" window: It's recommended that you set your project balloon options such as color, text size, etc. in the "Ballooning Options" window. To ...